Sallenger, A. ., Doran, K. ., & Howd, P. . (2012). Hotspot of accelerated sea-level rise on the Atlantic coast of North America. Nature Climate Change. (Original work published June 2012)
Torres, R. ., & Tsimplis, M. . (2012). Seasonal sea level cycle in the Caribbean Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117. (Original work published July 2012)
Colberg, F. ., & McInnes, K. . (2012). The impact of future changes in weather patterns on extreme sea levels over southern Australia. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117. (Original work published August 2012)
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Becker, M. ., Meyssignac, B. ., Letetrel, C. ., Llovel, W. ., Cazenave, A. ., & Delcroix, T. . (2012). Sea level variations at tropical Pacific islands since 1950. Global and Planetary Change, 80-81, 85–98. (Original work published September 2011)
Cheng, Y. ., Andersen, O. ., & Knudsen, P. . (2012). Integrating Non-Tidal Sea Level data from altimetry and tide gauges for coastal sea level prediction. Advances in Space Research, 50, 1099–1106. (Original work published October 2012)
Liu, Y. ., Weisberg, R. ., Vignudelli, S. ., Roblou, L. ., & Merz, C. . (2012). Comparison of the X-TRACK altimetry estimated currents with moored ADCP and HF radar observations on the West Florida Shelf. Advances in Space Research, 50, 1085–1098. (Original work published October 2012)
Batstone, C. ., Lawless, M. ., Tawn, J. ., Horsburgh, K. ., Blackman, D. ., McMillan, A. ., … Hunt, T. . (2013). A UK best-practice approach for extreme sea-level analysis along complex topographic coastlines. Ocean Engineering, 71, 28–39. (Original work published October 2013)
Kriebel, D. ., & Geiman, J. . (2013). A Coastal Flood Stage to Define Existing and Future Sea-Level Hazards. Journal of Coastal Research. (Original work published December 2013)
Gardner, J. ., Garton, D. ., Collen, J. ., & Zwartz, D. . (2014). Distant Storms as Drivers of Environmental Change at Pacific Atolls. PLoS ONE, 9, e87971. (Original work published January 2014)