D. Chambers

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Chambers, D. ., Tapley, B. ., & Stewart, R. H. (1997). Long-period ocean heat storage rates and basin-scale heat fluxes from TOPEX. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 10525–10534. http://doi.org/10.1029/96JC03644 (Original work published May 1997)
Chen, J. ., Wilson, C. ., Chambers, D. ., Nerem, R. S., & Tapley, B. . (1998). Seasonal global water mass budget and mean sea level variations. Geophysical Research Letters, 25, 3555–3558. http://doi.org/10.1029/98GL02754 (Original work published January 1998)
Chambers, D. ., Ries, J. C., Shum, C. K., & Tapley, B. . (1998). On the use of tide gauges to determine altimeter drift. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 12885–12890. http://doi.org/10.1029/98JC01197 (Original work published June 1998)
Chambers, D. ., Tapley, B. ., & Stewart, R. H. (1998). Measuring heat storage changes in the equatorial Pacific: A comparison between TOPEX altimetry and Tropical Atmosphere-Ocean buoys. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 18591–18598. http://doi.org/10.1029/98JC01683 (Original work published August 1998)
Chambers, D. ., Chen, J. ., Nerem, R. S., & Tapley, B. . (2000). Interannual mean sea level change and the earth\textquoterights water mass budget. Geophysical Research Letters, 27, 3073–3076. http://doi.org/10.1029/2000GL011595 (Original work published October 2000)
Chambers, D. ., Mehlhaff, C. A., Urban, T. J., Fujii, D. ., & Nerem, R. S. (2002). Low-frequency variations in global mean sea level: 1950\textendash2000. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107, 3026. http://doi.org/10.1029/2001JC001089 (Original work published April 2002)
Chambers, D. . (2002). Analysis of interannual and low-frequency variability in global mean sea level from altimetry and tide gauges. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 27, 1407–1411. http://doi.org/10.1016/S1474-7065(02)00078-5 (Original work published January 2002)
Chen, J. ., Shum, C. K., Wilson, C. ., Chambers, D. ., & Tapley, B. . (2000). Seasonal sea level change from TOPEX/Poseidon observation and thermal contribution. Journal of Geodesy, 73, 638–647. http://doi.org/10.1007/s001900050002 (Original work published February 2000)
Chambers, D. ., Tapley, B. ., & Stewart, R. H. (1999). Anomalous warming in the Indian Ocean coincident with El Ni\~no. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, 3035–3048. http://doi.org/10.1029/1998JC900085 (Original work published January 1999)
Nerem, R. S., Chambers, D. ., Leuliette, E. W., Mitchum, G. T., & Giese, B. S. (1999). Variations in global mean sea level associated with the 1997\textendash1998 ENSO event: Implications for measuring long term sea level change. Geophysical Research Letters, 26, 3005–3008. http://doi.org/10.1029/1999GL002311 (Original work published October 1999)