Ablain, M. ., Meyssignac, B. ., Zawadzki, L. ., Jugier, R. ., Ribes, A. ., Cazenave, A. ., & Picot, N. . (2019). Uncertainty in Satellite estimate of Global Mean Sea Level changes, trend and acceleration. Earth System Science Data Discussions. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2019-10
A. Cazenave
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Last name
Cazenave, A. ., Schaeffer, P. ., e-Nguyen, B. ., Brossier, C. ., Dominh, K. ., & Gennero, M. . (1996). High-resolution mean sea surface computed with altimeter data of Ers-1 (geodetic mission) and topex-poseidon. Geophysical Journal International, 125, 696–704. http://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-246X.1996.tb06017.x (Original work published June 1996)
Cazenave, A. ., Bonnefond, P. ., Dominh, K. ., & Schaeffer, P. . (1997). Caspian sea level from Topex-Poseidon altimetry: Level now falling. Geophysical Research Letters, 24, 881–884. http://doi.org/10.1029/97GL00809 (Original work published January 1997)
Cazenave, A. . (1998). Global mean sea level changes observed by Topex-Poseidon and ERS-1. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 23, 1069–1075. http://doi.org/10.1016/S0079-1946(98)00146-3 (Original work published January 1998)
Cazenave, A. ., Dominh, K. ., Ponchaut, F. ., Soudarin, L. ., etaux, J.-F. C., & Provost, C. L. (1999). Sea level changes from Topex-Poseidon altimetry and tide gauges, and vertical crustal motions from DORIS. Geophysical Research Letters, 26, 2077–2080. http://doi.org/10.1029/1999GL900472 (Original work published July 1999)
Cabanes, C. ., Cazenave, A. ., & Le Provost, C. . (2001). Sea Level Rise During Past 40 Years Determined from Satellite and in Situ Observations. Science, 294, 840–843. http://doi.org/10.1126/science.1063556 (Original work published October 2001)
Cazenave, A. ., Cabanes, C. ., Dominh, K. ., & Mangiarotti, S. . (2001). Recent sea level change in the mediterranean sea revealed by Topex/Poseidon satellite altimetry. Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 1607–1610. http://doi.org/10.1029/2000GL012628 (Original work published April 2001)
Cabanes, C. ., Cazenave, A. ., & Le Provost, C. . (2001). Sea level change from Topex-Poseidon altimetry for 1993-1999 and possible warming of the southern oceans. Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 9–12. http://doi.org/10.1029/2000GL011962 (Original work published January 2001)
Cazenave, A. ., Remy, F. ., Dominh, K. ., & Douville, H. . (2000). Global Ocean Mass Variation, Continental Hydrology and the Mass Balance of Antarctica Ice Sheet at Seasonal Time Scale. Geophysical Research Letters, 27, 3755–3758. http://doi.org/10.1029/2000GL006119 (Original work published November 2000)
Minster, J.-F. ., Cazenave, A. ., Serafini, Y. ., Mercier, F. ., Gennero, M. ., & Rogel, P. . (1999). Annual cycle in mean sea level from Topex\textendashPoseidon and ERS-1: inference on the global hydrological cycle. Global and Planetary Change, 20, 57–66. http://doi.org/10.1016/S0921-8181(98)00058-7 (Original work published January 1999)