Fenoglio-Marc, L. ., Dietz, C. ., & Groten, E. . (2004). Vertical Land Motion in the Mediterranean Sea from Altimetry and Tide Gauge Stations. Marine Geodesy, 27, 683. http://doi.org/10.1080/01490410490883441
L. Fenoglio-Marc
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Fenoglio-Marc, L. ., & Tel, E. . (2010). Coastal and global sea level change. Journal of Geodynamics. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2009.12.003 (Original work published January 2010)
Fenoglio-Marc, L. ., & Tel, E. . (2010). Coastal and global sea level change. Journal of Geodynamics, 49, 151–160. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2009.12.003 (Original work published April 2010)