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Mitrovica, J. ., Tamisiea, M. ., Davis, J. ., & Milne, G. A. (2001). Recent mass balance of polar ice sheets inferred from patterns of global sea-level change. Nature, 409, 1026–1029.
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Kominz, M. . (2001). Sea Level Variations Over Geologic Time (pp. 2605–2613). Elsevier.
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Fu, L. ., & Cazenave, A. . (2000). Satellite altimetry and earth sciences: a handbook of techniques and applications. Academic Press.
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Mitchum, G. T. (2000). An Improved Calibration of Satellite Altimetric Heights Using Tide Gauge Sea Levels with Adjustment for Land Motion. Marine Geodesy, 23, 145.
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